计算机网络 Assignment for Ch4 参考答案

二. 简答题(共2题,40分)

7. Briefly describe the difference between store-and-forward and cut-through switches.



存储和转发交换机(Store-and-forward Switch)在转发数据帧之前,会先接收整个数据帧,并检查其是否有错误,比如查看帧校验序列(FCS)。如果数据帧没有错误,交换机才会根据目的地址将其转发出去。这种方式的延迟较高,但能有效减少网络上错误帧的传输。

直通交换机(Cut-through Switch)在接收到数据帧的目的地址后,就开始立即转发该帧的剩余部分,不等整帧全部到达也不检查错误。这种方式可以减少转发的延迟,但如果帧中存在错误,则错误也会一并被转发,可能导致网络效率降低。

8. An IP packet to be transmitted by Ethernet is 60 bytes long, including all its headers. If LLC is not in use, is padding needed in the Ethernet frame, and if so, how many bytes?



The minimum Ethernet frame is 64 bytes, including both addresses in the Ethernet frame header, the type/length field, and the checksum. Since the header fields occupy 18 bytes and the packet is 60 bytes, the total frame size is 78 bytes, which exceeds the 64-byte minimum. Therefore, no padding is used.